
Sunday, August 29, 2010

A bit of OCD?

I'm sure others have felt like this before.
So yesterday I'm making something for a kids party we had today. And i had a certain way I was doing things, and someone asked me if I wanted some help. I wasn't going to say no. So, I got her the things she needed. And told her how i was doing it and gave her an already made one as an example. And I can't believe how much it bothered me that she wasn't doing it the same way I was, and it was kinda sloppy. They came out alright but I wanted them to kinda last some because they were for kids. I did my best and I didn't say a word that it was bothering me.
Nothing has really bugged me like that in a while.

That's it for now.

Thursday, August 5, 2010

Random 2nd-POV Scene

Come on! You have to be faster than that! Shush, while you’re at it, goodness… No one saw you, right? Good. Yes, very good… Maybe, if you just… yeah like that. Twist it slowly, more to your left. Yeah, I guess that works. Listen, if you think – Oh hell, did you hear that? Get. Down! Stay in the shadows. Closer.

Almost got caught there. It would’ve been all your fault, too. Idiot. Okay, try again. To the left. More to the left. Tighter, damn it! For the love of – you’re hopeless. Why are you here, anyway? Did you think it would be better this way? If you came here? Things aren’t that easy, weren’t ever that easy. Won’t be that easy.

You have to put more effort into these sorts of things, these, delicate matters. You have to watch out for the guards with more earnest. The guards will never hesitate to take you for all you’re worth and slit your throat and mail your eyes in a ribbon-tied package to your dear-old mum. It’s happened before. You see that passage? The one covered by the bushes? You have to go there. You have to be quiet about it. Your life depends on your silence, your cunning.

Listen, and listen carefully. Take this and run. It shouldn’t open now, if you tightened it well enough. Granted, you’re pretty weak anyway. The sun might start to rise within the hour, but you might have enough darkness to make it deep enough into the woods. Watch out for the mountain lions. And keep your wits about you! Be cunning. Be swift. And most importantly, keep your damned ass silent. You’re as loud as fucking. That’s pretty loud.

You know what, before you go… Could you? Could you promise me… When you get there. Tell them. You know what? Forget it. Just, go. Be careful, and don’t screw this up! On three. One. Two. Th—you know what? Never mind. Three. Go! Why are you still here?! Go!