
Thursday, July 8, 2010

Still More Firsts

Let's see, I'm the good friend that was mentioned in the last post. I also have a name. And that name is Traci. And if you people who ever eventually find this, I'm in Florida. Though I may be sleep deprived, I'm still awake enough to make a post. I agreed to this thing and I'm gonna see it through. I wasn't fragging things, I was playing WoW. There isn't any fragging in WoW, but there had been a lot of stabbing, slashing, kicking, poison, fire, ice, lightning bolts, snakes, arrows, bullets, and dancing for everyone. Also, I thought the mission of this blog was to have a joint blog.

May you always be awesome,

~The Other One


  1. I left out your name in case you wanted anonymity! Granted it doesn't mean anything if you look at the contributors =/


  2. i love your blog so far...keep up the good work cuz, and traci. i cant wait to see more because i will definently read your posts...feel free to add me to your affie list if u get one, as i will you, and hopefully you get as many readers as you wanted =]

    -tahliah (
